The Last Hoobaloo

Created by Andy This event has closed


Book written & Illustrated by Andy J Steele in memory of his father, book launch at work on 24 Feb 2015 and ongoing from there...........


Book Launch for The Last Hoobaloo at SSE, Penner Road, Havant

5th March 2015
We have a lot of charity events at where I work, so I was thrilled with the response I encountered at my event and amazed that we raised £359 in the 2 hours I sat in the canteen. I had a collection of some of the illustrations from the book, along with a lot of literature relating to the British Lung Foundation, the research they fund and the support they provide. I definitely feel that I raised awareness of the charity there and I can't thank my colleagues enough for turning up and having a look at the display, buying a book or just sharing their stories and trying to find out more about the charity. Thank you to everyone who came along, especially Ian Perkins who spent a lot of his own time creating and putting up posters around the offices and speaking to people around the company on my behalf.